I do have to say I am quite proud of the fact that i cleaned up my two work areas. So in honor of that periodical “Where Women Create”, I figure I’d share with you where I create. Because quite frankly I am pretty darn proud of the areas and I feel like bragging.
Out in our machine shed, it my main fabricating area. It has all kinds of tools that can let me create. I love it, and I love how organized it is. that big thing with the drawers is an old rock storage cabinet from the Geology Dept at the University of Illinois….I LOVE it!!!! Um and if you are wondering, no, I do not employ child labor. My 4 year old is very serious and believes that he is making jewelry with mommy. I let him play with scraps of copper. You just never know where it will take his creative little mind….
Inside I have converted part of our guest room into my assembly and finishing area as well as my photo studio. I love how everything is so well organized but out in the open making it easy to work …and clean up!!!
I know you are drooling….not to shabby.
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